Chickpea Curry placeholder
Chickpea Curry
total time:
1 hour
active time:
1/4 cup| olive oil
4 cloves| garlic - chopped
1 large| onion - chopped
2 2-inch piece| ginger - chopped
1 1/2 tsp| ground tumeric
1 tsp| red pepper flakes
2 15 oz can(s)| chickpea
2 15 oz can(s)| coconut milk
2 cup| vegetable stock
1 bunch| kale - shred
heat in pot
add to pot and stir occasionally until onions are translucent
~10 min add to pot and cook until chickpeas break down and crisp
~35 min add to pot, simmer, scrape, and cook until thickened
add to pot and cook until wilted
crush chickpeas